To see your pre-approved* offers—or to customize your own—simply enter your special offer code and zip code below!



PLEASE NOTE: You have been pre-approved for your choice of one of the above offers. If you would like to take advantage of more than one offer, or would like to request
more than your approved amount, please contact us. A full application may be required. See full product disclosures for details. You can choose to stop receiving “prescreened” offers of credit from this and other companies by calling toll-free 888-567-8688. See PRESCREEN & OPT-OUT NOTICE
within the full product disclosures for more information about prescreened offers

*We used information on you that we obtained from a consumer reporting agency in connection with this “Pre-Approved” offer. You were selected to receive this offer because you satisfied certain criteria for creditworthiness, which we previously established. Proof of current employment and income may be requested at any time during the application process. The offered credit may not be extended if, after you respond to this offer, we determine that you do not meet the criteria used to select you for this offer or any other applicable criteria bearing on creditworthiness, or if you do not provide the required collateral. Not all applicants will qualify for the lowest rate. Rates subject to change based on market conditions and borrower eligibility.

Membership eligibility is required. Must be a Silver State Schools Credit Union member to borrow. Membership at SSSCU requires a savings account with a minimum balance.